Georg Wolschin

Georg Wolschin @ Heidelberg

tel. + 49 - 6221 - 549415
fax. + 49 - 6221 - 549333


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@ Institut fuer Theoretische Physik der Universitaet

Wintersemester 2024/25

Statistical Physics Seminar (MSc, 6 CPs)
Phil12 SR 1.OG Fridays 9:15-11:00
starting Oct 18
Send me an email if you want to give one of the first two talks

Multiparticle Dynamics group

Phil12 SR 3.OG Thursdays 11:15-13:00
see special announcements/ invitations

Japan_BRIDGE 2022

Donnerstags Ph12 SR 106 16ct-17:30

Transregio33 The Dark Universe (2006-2018)

Heavy-Ion Physics
Survey: Universe 6, 61 (2020)

Recent papers

P. Schulz, G. Wolschin, Relativistic diffuson model for hadron production in p-Pb collisions at the LHC
submtted to Phys. Rev. C (2024)
A. Rizzi, G. Wolschin, Spectral eigenfunction decomposition of a Fokker-Planck operator for relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Eur. Phys. J. A, in press (2024)
M. Larsson, G. Wolschin, Time-dependent condensate formation in ultracold atoms with energy-dependent transport coefficients
Phys. Rev. A 110, 023305 (2024)
L. Moehringer, G. Wolschin, Exact solution of the nonlinear boson diffusion equation for gluon scattering
J. Stat. Mech. 073103 (2024)
G. Wolschin, Partial Lyman-alpha thermalization in an analytic nonlinear diffusion model
Scientific Reports (SpringerNature) 14, 4935 (2024)
J. Hoelck, G. Wolschin, Cylindrically symmetric diffusion model for relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Annalen Phys. 536, 2300307 (2024)
J. Hoelck, E. Hiyama, G. Wolschin, Limiting fragmentation in heavy-ion stopping?
Phys. Lett. B 840, 137866 (2023)
G. Wolschin, Nonlinear diffusion of fermions and bosons
EPL 140, 40002 (2022)
A. Kabelac, G. Wolschin, Time-dependent condensation of bosonic potassium
EPJD 76, 178 (2022)
G. Wolschin, Nonlinear diffusion of gluons
Physica A 597, 127299 (2022)

Other selected papers




Other seminars

ITP Seminars

Correspondence J.H.D. Jensen - W. Heisenberg 1969
Niels-Bohr-archive releases papers about Heisenbergs 1941 visit



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"Alte Bruecke": Hildgund Schwarz-Koehler, Leipzig/ Heidelberg

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